Saturday 25 November 2017

The Current Agenda

I'm beginning to hate the word "agenda". It's just become shorthand for "thing that I can't describe but dislike intensely." "Agenda" is no longer an itinerary, a list of things to be done. "Agenda" is now a global conspiracy done by the faction and/or ideology of its preceding word.

Within our increasingly open world thanks to the Internet, more lines are being drawn. Humanity as a whole is tribalist in nature, and "us v. them" is becoming the most popular narrative nowadays. We don't open our minds anymore, we close them up. We are convinced in our righteousness, and we surround ourselves with people who agree.

It's a terrible system, and sadly, I feel that it's here to stay for a while.

- Ryan

Thursday 16 November 2017

Addicted to Stress

There are times in which I literally do nothing but goof off despite the fact that there's a deadline on my head, like a sword of Damocles.

This is one of those times.

It's an in-built function that runs in the rest of my family. Whenever something stressful happens, we do something else: me and my sister go online and shut the rest of the world out, my other sister does the opposite and goes out partying.

Really this is just one of the things that everyone else experiences, but I find it interesting to talk about: why do we do something else when faced with stress, when we know fully well that just walking up and dealing with it is a logical course of action.

It's one of those things, yeah.

- Ryan

Saturday 4 November 2017

A Sentence on Long Weekends and a Paragraph on an Ex-Girlfriend

Personally, long weekends are the worst. I remember back when I had 3 months of jack shit to do: nothing but sitting down on a chair and doing god-knows-what on a computer. Looking back, trying to remember that period of my life, one woman defined that period of my life: Rachel.

I met her by chance on Omegle (I was a really bored motherfucker at the time), we added each other on Skype, and for 3 months, it was pure marital bliss, so to speak. She was smart, well-spoken, a well open-mind, and she was a fiery redhead to boot.

Then it was over, just like that. We broke up, and we've never talked to each other since. I wonder sometimes how she's doing. I hope she's doing well.

 - Ryan

Thursday 2 November 2017

A Skill Level Far, Far Away

(Originally posted 10/24/17) 

I've been thinking of getting some of the Star Wars kits. The though of owning one was always in the back of my mind whenever I walked into a local hobby store, but in the end, I usually just leave or, more likely, get another Gundam because goddamn it the Battle Droid and STAP needs to be at least 1/6 scale and Bandai is not making it. ​I mean c'mon, hate the prequels all you want but you have to admit that it has some amazing designs:

In all seriousness though, the biggest barrier to the Star Wars line is, like all things, money. Paints don't come cheap, and the Gundam series, especially the Master Grade line, don't require it.

Personally I'm down with just some waterslides and a topcoat of either matte or semi-gloss. Money, however, isn't my biggest barrier to entry. No, my biggest barrier to entry is skill level. Anyone can paint, but painting well, to my preferred standards? That takes time, time which I honestly don't have anymore. Maybe one day I'll be rich enough to just lie back and practice, but for now...

 It's been nearly a month, where is it, Local Hobby Shop?

- Ryan

Full Circle

Weebly was just too slow to load.

Anyways, I shall be moving most of my content from the Weebly site to here, and the soon to be published update shall be posted here. It's a shame, really. All those features, while really goddamn intuitive to use, really fucked with the loading.

Thus, here I am, back on Blogger. Back again. Ryan's back. Tell a friend.

- Ryan